My Coaching Approach

The CEO role can be lonely. That is where my role begins. I am not an employee. I didn’t write you a check. I can’t fire you. My sole focus and incentive is in making you more successful. I am your advocate, your confidant, your counsel.

Here is list of the common areas I work on with clients:

  • Team: Building and managing a high-performing executive team
  • Productivity: Improving personal productivity and time management
  • Stakeholder management: Managing your BOD and investors
  • Scaling operations: Implementing high impact, low effort processes to scale your business
  • Safe discussion space: Acting as  a sparring partner on sensitive strategic issues (e.g., M&A, people issues)
  • Your health: Improving your mental health by creating greater awareness of your common thought patterns and emotions
  • Performance management: Conduct 360 review for you; evaluate existing 360 review, and build development plan to measure your progress